X Cup Competitor Entry Form

X Cup 2025 Competitor Entry Form Submission
Intake Period: October 25, 2024 – November 22, 2024

**Please remember we do not allow members of the same company/business/team to both ENTER the competition and JUDGE it… if you or any member of your team happen to be a judge, please notify us to forfeit the position before submitting your entry**

*Please fill out form and include $200.00 submission fee (cash only) for EACH submission you are entering, which includes a Connecticut State Compliance Panel – Terpenes profile included!
Submissions are open from October 25, 2024 – November 22, 2024. For entry details please register online

With entry submissions please bring with you a completed entry form and fee. For questions regarding entries please contact Rebecca@jenksproductions.com 860-985-7860 or wes@jenksproductions.com 561-578-9680

Submission details regarding location drop off’s and times will all be communicated through your registered email address online. Please fill out the contestant application form first before contacting us directly, since all instructions will be sent via email.